The Worst Secret Keeper

Notoriously known for blurting out secrets, Ross was proud of himself for staying hush until today.

On this occasion, he worked hard to keep this secret by working late and avoiding long conversations with his girlfriend. It was for a good reason because he wanted the proposal to be completely unexpected.

As she slips on her heels, he heads to the bedroom to get her surprise when he sees a little boy run past him, holding a square velvet box.

His eyes widen.

“Mummy! Daddy bought you a ring!”

Sadly, their son was not the best at keeping secrets either.

11 thoughts on “The Worst Secret Keeper

  1. Me too,I tried and failed many times.But kids are wonderful,they brighten our days through their sweetness and innocence.
    Keep writing beautifully.You are such a blessing to me.

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