Pinch me…this feels like a dream come true! 💗✨

Last month I got the notification that GiftedandChilling has received 500 followers! WOW!

Thank you for your participation – this achievement would not have been possible without every single person here!

The WordPress community is strong and filled with so many amazing people – I am beyond grateful for all the support and love which I’ve experienced these past four years. Thank you for sticking by me through all this time.

It is a huge blessing to see the milestones that this blog has reached. From the depth of my heart, I want to say a GRAND thank you to everyone that follows GiftedandChilling and continues to read, like and comment on my posts ❤

Writing more frequently these last few months has been so much fun and as a result, it has made me happier and be more present.

I am also taking this opportunity to say that it is a pleasure getting to know all of you and reading your guidances, musings, and creative work 🤩 It is fun both learning and connecting with you.

I hope you are staying safe and wishing you great health! 🤗

129 thoughts on “500 Followers!

  1. Congrats!! You deserve this recognition and so much more to come. I particularly love the short stories you write. Impeccable word choices that create vivid images in my mind. Congrats again and keep on going!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Liz! 🤗 Aww, your comment has made my morning and made me smile, thank you so much! ❤ I am incredibly grateful for your support and encouragement throughout this journey. You bring so much joy in your writing and it a pleasure being a follower of yours and reading your posts 💐👏 Thank you for reading my blog and sharing your kindness. Hope you are well, dear friend and sending you lots of love! Keep on writing 💪🤩

      Liked by 2 people

    • Aww thank you, Ian! 💕😊 I greatly appreciate your words of encouragement and support 🤗 I love your blog and enjoyed your recent movie review of A Quiet Place II – I am so excited to watch it! 😂 Keep up the great work too! 🤩💐✨

      Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Cindy! I feel honoured and I’m still in shock to have 500 followers, I never thought that this would happen. Thank you so much for reading this post and for your comment (you made me blush!) ♥🤗 I love your blog and reading your content and positivity ✨ Keep up the great work 💐💕

      Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Caz! 💗

      Thank you for your continuous motivation and kind words of support! 💕🤗 I was so focused on writing and blogging that I didn’t realise it happened until the notification popped up. So grateful for every achievement GiftedAndChilling meets – it is a huge blessing.

      I hope you are well and had a lovely weekend, dear friend! I loved your recent electric fan review – it has been so hot in the UK these past few days and your review couldn’t have come up at a better time 😁 Keep up the great work!

      Sending you lots of love ✨

      Genevieve xxx

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Congratulations! That is impressive, and a tribute to the hard work that you have put in. It is not easy to create, and what you choose to share deeply touches others, thus the consistently growing number of those following your efforts. Thank you.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hi Perry! 🤗 Thank you for your message, it made me smile 💕 You are always a voice of positivity, encouragement and motivation, and I am so grateful. I sincerely enjoying blogging and creating posts that are helpful or entertaining to others – it brings me a lot of joy. I hope you are well and have a wonderful week ahead! ✨ Sending you my best wishes 😁

      Liked by 1 person

    • 😊💕 Can’t believe this happened – I’m so humbled by this milestone. But It would not be possible without you and everyone else that chooses to visit, like and follow this blog. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! 💗🤗

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Genevieve – congratulations on such a wonderful achievement! You have touched a lot of hearts through your words and it shows. Thanks for what you do to make your followers feel so special. Keep doing the great work that you do.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Jana!

      Thank you so much for reading this post and your lovely comment. You actually brought light tears to my eyes 🤗 I feel really honoured with this milestone. Interacting amazing WP community has made this experience more worthwhile than I could have ever imagined ♡ I love every moment of blogging.

      Thank you for being so supportive and continuously sharing insightful and engaging content. I am grateful to have met you on this platform and be introduced to your incredible writing 🤩 Keep shining! ✨

      Liked by 2 people

      • You are so deserving of your success and growth with your blog. And the fact that you love what you’re doing makes everything that much more special. I’m so honored to have met you as well and thankful to have the opportunity to share this platform with such talented and kindhearted individuals as yourself. Having wonderful online friends is such an encouragement and helps make this blogging journey even more enjoyable.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Your words have really touched me, Jana 💕 I consider you as a dear online friend and a huge motivator to keep blogging, your writing is always so impeccable and well-crafted 🤩 You make me want to do and be better!

        Thank you again for your support – I honestly cannot say it enough 🤗💗✨

        Liked by 2 people

      • Wow! Thanks so much Genevieve. All I can say is God is good! I give Him all the credit for helping me do what I do ALL THE WAY. And the fact that you can say such kind things about my writing is truly humbling. Thanks for your support and encouragement as well, dear friend. You definitely have mine.

        Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you ever so much, The Yorkshire Dreamer ♥ In all honesty, I’m still in shock with this milestone but so grateful and feel indebted to the great WP community for helping to make this happen 😊 I am a HUGE fan of your blog content ✨ and I find that they are always relevant to my life / come at the perfect time when I’m in need of advice and escapism. Thank you for your sharing, and for your support and kindness! 🤗

      Liked by 2 people

      • Thank you! I hope you are proud of this achievement; it is amazing!

        You’ve brought a smile to my face; thank you so much for your sweet response. I am still in shock when people compliment my blog, as it began as a way to escape as well. Now, it is lovely to see how others can relate and makes the world feel less lonely. It is amazing.

        Thank you so much for being so supportive, and congratulations again on this phenomenal achievement! 🥳🥳

        Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Liz! 😊 Thank you for your kind comment and support 💗🙏 it means a lot.
      My absolutely pleasure – your content is really well-written and intriguing. I love your most recent post “A recipe for daily happiness in lockdown”, it is fun and motivating 😋 I’m looking forward to your YouTube channel – best of luck and sending you lots of love!


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