Conscious Uncoupling

There was nothing to say that hasn’t already been said. They’ve shed tears, shared affectionate touches and painful words, and at the end of it all, they came to the conclusion that this next step was the best thing for their relationship. But most importantly, themselves.

A week later, they chose to have one last dinner where they had their first date and reminisced their time together, because why end three years of companionship and love in bitter resentment?

When the moment they were both waiting for came, they stared silently at each other, memorising every little detail of the other person. He took in her arched eyebrows and slightly damp cheeks, while she focused on his long eyelashes and shaky breath. Then the ex-couple stepped forward and shared farewell hug.

Finally, they turned and went their separate ways, ready and eager to move on to fulfil a happier and better life.

More love-focused short stories:

What do you think of this flash fiction? Let me know in the comments below! ❀

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18 thoughts on “Conscious Uncoupling

    • Thank you Zainab πŸ™‚ I hope you liked this flash fiction! Yes, sadly sometimes it is not meant to be. But hopefully, we can wish each other well in their future and next relationships πŸ’• Hope everything is good with you, dear friend πŸ€—

      Liked by 1 person

  1. It’s soooo sweet. Very lovable short story ( flash fiction). Beautifully penned. Keep writing, dear. β™₯️β™₯️β™₯οΈπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, thank you for reading this short story, Aparna12!! πŸ’˜ I greatly appreciate your thoughts and encouragement πŸ€—βœ¨ You are so sweet and kind. Hope everything is going well for you, dear friend. Sending you lots of love! 🌸


  2. Loved it!
    Especially this part : ”because why end three years of companionship and love in bitter resentment?”

    Clearly, they had matured, and did it the right way πŸ˜‰
    Bitter resentment helps no one! Especially not us as individuals!

    Great story!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi NoPassingFancy ❀️ Thank you for reading this flash fiction and for your kind words and appreciation, it means a lot! πŸ˜˜πŸ€— You are right that bitter resentment helps no-one, so if it is possible, we should try to set free our resentments and grudges. Hope everything is well with you, my lovely 😍


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